Drug Addiction Treatment

The number of people who abuse drugs has been on the rise for decades, damaging both their physical health as well mental state.

Science has come up with many ways to help these individuals break free from addiction, but science alone cannot treat your addiction.

Spark to Recovery is a leading residential drug rehabilitation program in Los Angeles, providing precise remedies to your drug addiction.

We specialize in cutting-edge drug addiction tactics, such as: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), as well as family and group therapies. We help clients manage negative thoughts, avoid destructive behaviors, manage withdrawal symptoms, develop a healthier self-image, rebuild damaged relationships, and more. Our drug addiction treatment team understands that no two clients experience the same addiction problems. Therefore, we employ a holistic and medically centered approach while treating drug use disorders.

Continue reading to learn more about substance abuse, how it affects people, and how substance abuse treatment can set someone with addictive behaviors free. If you need help with drug and alcohol abuse, call Spark to Recovery today.

Programs for Addictive Drugs

An illicit drug is one that’s prohibited by law. Unfortunately, as the demand for illegal substances continues to grow, so does the underground market supply. Some media outlets have claimed that drugs are as easy to get as pizza. With dealers setting up shop on social media platforms, it seems like this is truer than ever.

If you or someone you love is trying to cope with drug addiction alone, consider seeking professional help with Spark to Recovery. Call today for advice on how to get started at rehab.

Let’s look at some of the most frequently abused illicit substances.

view of los angeles and griffith observatory. rolling green hills
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Cocaine Addiction Treatment

Cocaine is the most commonly abused illegal drug in the United States. And just like with alcohol addictions, Covid-19 has not helped the situation. Moreover, the spillover of Hollywood Blvd.’s lacing cocaine with Fentanyl can create a wholly different euphoria and addictive tendency with cocaine. In a country where heart disease is the biggest killer, this central nervous system stimulant is very dangerous. It causes an increase in heart rate and blood pressure and leads to inflammation of the heart muscle over time.

In addition to these physical risks, cocaine leads to huge releases of dopamine that deplete the body’s natural stores and promote mental illness. While some people see it as a harmless bit of fun and an easy way to carry on drinking for longer, the long-term health risks are very serious and shouldn’t be ignored. In recent years, dealers have been cutting cocaine with fentanyl, making it even more addictive and deadly.

Crack cocaine is the freebase form of cocaine, and it provides drug abusers with a short and intense high. The way it’s administered means there’s a higher risk of dental disease and tooth loss, and it’s significantly more addictive due to releasing even greater quantities of neurotransmitters than cocaine.

Fentanyl is one of the most powerful opiate synthetic drugs, with effects that are 80 to 100 times more powerful than morphine. It came to LA Valley over a decade ago and will be here for decades to come. A lethal dose of fentanyl is a tiny fraction of that of heroin, and many dealers are cutting other drugs with the substance to increase its addictiveness and increase margins. It’s believed to play a major role in the current opioid epidemic, which sees hundreds die every day from opiate-related causes. Don’t become a statistic with Fentanyl addiction – you can overcome it!

Heroin is one of the most dangerous substances, and it has an especially dark reputation. When you’re involved with this drug your life will be turned upside down, because not only are there physical consequences to using heroin, but also psychological ones. The causes and effects on your mind, body and spirit will take over control of your life – period.

As such, it’s often difficult for someone who’s fallen into heroin abuse to see themselves as worthy of change. However, a substance use disorder isn’t something anyone would choose, and most people who use heroin have experienced extreme trauma or have underlying mental health conditions. It’s a medical disorder, and professional help from Spark to Recovery is available if you’re struggling with it.

Crystal meth is one of the most addictive and potent stimulant drugs, leading to a huge influx of neurotransmitters that creates a long-lasting high of up to 16 hours. It stimulates the CNS and decreases the appetite, leading to long bouts of activity followed by an unbearable comedown. The comedown is the result of the depletion of chemicals in your brain that are essential for you to function.

When a person uses crystal meth, their brain releases huge quantities of neurotransmitters at once. The body struggles to produce enough so that when the drug wears off and withdrawal sets in, there’s still some left-over chemical craving for more even after hours without it!

Serious mental illness, tooth loss, risky sexual behavior, heart disease and lung disease are some common complications of meth abuse.

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Prescription Drugs Addiction

Alcohol abuse is the most prevalent substance use disorder in the United States, with tobacco and marijuana taking second and third place. Prescription drug abuse is fourth, with 2.9 million people reported as abusing prescription medicines each month in 2020. Below is an explanation of the three most widely abused prescription medications in the United States.

Millions of people in America are addicted to prescription drugs. You’re not alone, and help is available. Call today to book your place at Spark to Recovery.

Opiates Addiction Treatment

Opiates are derived from the opium poppy and have potent pain-killing properties. The United States has declared an epidemic of opiate abuse, largely due to irresponsible advice from pharmaceutical companies in the 1990s. By 2017, The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services had announced a public health emergency surrounding the crisis and created steps to combat it. That emergency still stands today. Some of the most overused and addictive opioids include:

  • Hydromorphone
  • Vicodin
  • Oxycodone
  • Hydrocodone
  • Fentanyl
  • Morphine sulfate

Amphetamines can be legal or illegal. They’re prescribed for ADHD and extreme cases of obesity and speed up the connections in your brain by stimulating the CNS. They can improve focus, confidence and sociability and increase energy. Some commonly abused amphetamines include:

  • Adderall
  • Ritalin
  • Focalin
  • Concerta

Benzodiazepines are prescribed as sleeping aids and medication for anxiety disorders for short-term use only. While they’re highly effective as medications for these outcomes, recurrent substance abuse is highly likely. This is because the body quickly builds a tolerance to them, meaning you need to take more. And if you stop taking them, your brain is no longer used to producing the chemicals that induce sleep and ease anxiety by itself. As such, getting to sleep and self-soothing after feelings of anxiety becomes more difficult, so continued substance abuse can seem like a viable solution to many people.

Some examples of benzodiazepines include:

  • Diazepam
  • Alprazolam
  • Clonazepam
  • Lorazepam

Risk Factors for Drug Abuse and Addiction

People who struggle with drug addiction have the perfect storm of genetic, social and psychological factors that lead to the onset of the condition:


There are thought to be more than 50 genes responsible for addiction, which is highly heritable. Temperament is thought to play a role, along with a propensity for sensation-seeking and greater difficulty self-regulating. When you’re born, your genes act as a recipe for whom you become, with your environment influencing which genes are expressed and which ones aren’t.


Environment is crucial to the onset of addiction, and explains why not every person who has an addicted family member goes on to develop the disease themselves. Factors such as lack of childhood supervision, early use of addictive substances and peer pressure are thought to be powerfully associated with addiction.

Mental Illness, trauma, and addiction

While having a family member who abuses substances is a major risk factor, mental illness and trauma also play a pivotal role. People with mental health issues, individuals who didn’t receive correct emotional support as children, and people who’ve experienced trauma and abuse are significantly more likely to develop a drug problem.

How Are Drug and Alcohol Dependence Treated?

While addiction can feel like a never-ending cycle of failure and regret, there are evidence-based treatments grounded in science to help you heal. Five core concepts are involved in addiction recovery:

  1. Getting into a healthy routine: Lifestyle and our daily habits play a major role in our overall health. By shifting your daily routine to one that’s conducive to recovery, you put yourself in the best position to get better.
  2. Individual counseling: Counseling with a professional therapist helps you get to the bottom of why you abuse drugs so you can take steps to implement changes that promote recovery.
  3. Group therapy: Group sessions are some of the most valuable tools in addiction recovery, providing an array of perspectives and promoting talking, listening and empathy.
  4. Family therapy: Addiction rarely only affects the individual and can have far-reaching consequences for loved ones as a result of the behavioral patterns of many addicts. Family therapy helps you heal connections with family while teaching how to create a home environment with healthy boundaries and communication.

Ongoing care:

Drug addiction is a chronic disease, just like diabetes or hypertension. That means treatment isn’t a cure, but a means of giving you the tools you need to recover and maintain recovery by yourself for the long term.