How do people use inhalants?
People who use inhalants breathe in the fumes through their nose or mouth, usually by sniffing, snorting, bagging, or huffing. It’s called different names depending on the substance and equipment they use.
Products Used as Inhalants
- Paint Thinners Or Removers
- Dry-Cleaning Fluids
- Gasoline
- Lighter Fluid
- Correction Fluids
- Felt-Tip Marker Fluid
- Electronic Contact Cleaners
- Glue
- Spray Paints
- Hair Or Deodorant Sprays
- Aerosol Computer Cleaning Products
- Vegetable Oil Sprays
- Butane Lighters
- Propane Tanks
- Whipped Cream Aerosols Or Dispensers (Whippets)
Used As Anesthesia (To Make Patients Lose Sensation During Surgery/Procedures), Including:
- Video Head Cleaner
- Room Odorizer
- Leather Cleaner
- Liquid Aroma
- Amyl Nitrite: Also Known As “Poppers”, This Is A Type Of Recreational Drug That Is Typically Inhaled For Its Vasodilating Effects, Which Can Produce A Brief Sensation Of Euphoria.
How do inhalants affect the brain?
Most inhalants affect the central nervous system and slow down brain activity.
Short-term effects are similar to alcohol and include:
- Slurred Or Distorted Speech
- Lack Of Coordination (Control Of Body Movement)
- Euphoria (Feeling High)
- Dizziness
- People May Also Feel Light-Headed Or Have Hallucinations Or Delusions (False Beliefs).
- Suffocation: Inhalants Can Cause Suffocation By Displacing Oxygen In The Lungs, Leading To Hypoxia And Even Death.
- Seizures: Inhalant Use Can Trigger Seizures, Which Can Be Dangerous And Potentially Life-Threatening.
- Accidents And Injuries: Inhalant Use Can Impair Judgment And Coordination, Leading To Accidents And Injuries.
Long-term effects of inhalant use may include:
- Organ Damage: Inhalants Can Damage The Liver, Kidneys, And Other Organs.
- Hearing Loss
- Bone Marrow Damage
- Loss Of Coordination And Limb Spasms (From Nerve Damage)
- Delayed Behavioral Development (From Brain Problems)
- Brain Damage (From Cut-Off Oxygen Flow To The Brain). Including Loss Of Brain Cells And Damage To The Myelin Sheath That Protects Nerve Fibers.
- Nitrites Are Misused For Sexual Pleasure And Performance. This Increases The Chance Of Getting Or Spreading Infectious Diseases Such As HIV/AIDS Or Hepatitis.
- Behavioral Problems: Inhalant Use Can Lead To Behavioral Problems, Including Aggression, Delirium, And Impaired Judgment.
It's important to note that inhalant abuse can be extremely dangerous and even deadly.
Treatment for inhalant addiction typically involves a combination of behavioral therapy and medical intervention, depending on the severity of the addiction and the individual needs of the patient.
Approach to treating inhalant addiction
In some cases, medications may be used to treat withdrawal symptoms or co-occurring mental health conditions that may be contributing to inhalant abuse. For example, antidepressants may be used to treat depression or anxiety, which can be common among individuals with inhalant addiction.
Family Therapy
Family therapy can help to address underlying family issues that may be contributing to inhalant addiction and provide support and education for family members.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
This type of therapy involves working with a counselor or therapist to identify triggers for inhalant use and develop coping skills to manage cravings and avoid relapse. It is a lesson in understanding thoughts and how they lead to emotion and behavior.
If you or someone you know is struggling with inhalant abuse
We provide individualized programs suited to the patient’s needs and the severity of the addiction.
Spark to Recovery offers exclusive, high-standard care to those suffering from addiction. Your road to recovery begins with us.