Ketamine Addiction Treatment in Los Angeles

Ketamine is a medication that doctors use as an anesthetic to induce loss of consciousness. Effects include sedation and reduced sensation of pain.

Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic. Doctors use it to induce general anesthesia for medical procedures that do not require muscle relaxation. General anesthesia denotes a sleep-like state, while dissociative refers to the effect of feeling disconnected. ‍Ketamine can produce hallucinations similarly to other drugs such as LSD and PCP, or angel dust. ‍Hallucinations are distorted perceptions of sounds and sights.

Some people use ketamine for its hallucinogenic properties. Ketamine can sedate, incapacitate, and cause short-term memory loss, and because of this, some people use it as a date-rape drug.

Dangers Associated with Ketamine Abuse

While the therapeutic use of ketamine is relatively safe when used under medical supervision, abuse of the drug can have dangerous and potentially life-threatening consequences.
  • Physical health risks: Ketamine abuse can cause a range of physical health problems, including nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, respiratory depression, and heart palpitations. Long-term abuse of ketamine can lead to serious bladder and urinary tract problems, such as cystitis, ulcerative cystitis, and incontinence.
  • Cognitive impairments: Chronic ketamine abuse can cause cognitive impairments, such as memory loss, difficulties with attention and concentration, and impaired decision-making ability.
  • Psychological problems: Ketamine abuse can also cause a range of psychological problems, including anxiety, depression, paranoia, and psychosis. It may also exacerbate pre-existing mental health conditions.
  • Addiction: Ketamine abuse can lead to addiction, which can have devastating effects on an individual’s physical, mental, and social health. Addiction can lead to financial problems, relationship problems, and difficulties maintaining employment.
  • Overdose: Ketamine overdose can be fatal, especially when mixed with other drugs or alcohol. Overdose symptoms include difficulty breathing, seizures, and coma.
It is important to note that the dangers of ketamine abuse vary depending on the amount and frequency of use, as well as an individual’s overall health and susceptibility to drug-related problems.

Signs and Symptoms Ketamine Addiction

  • Cravings for ketamine: An intense desire or urge to use ketamine, often resulting in difficulty controlling drug use. Increased Tolerance: Over time, the individual needs higher doses of ketamine to achieve the desired effect. Withdrawal symptoms: When ketamine use is stopped or reduced, individuals may experience withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, sweating, anxiety, and depression.
  • Changes in behavior: Individuals may become secretive, isolate themselves from friends and family, and lose interest in activities they once enjoyed. Physical signs: Ketamine can cause physical side effects such as rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure, and breathing problems.
  • Psychological symptoms: Ketamine use can lead to psychological symptoms such as depression, anxiety, and paranoia.
  • Tolerance: The person needs to take more and more ketamine to achieve the same effect.

Ketamine addiction can have a range of negative effects on a person’s physical and mental health, as well as their relationships and overall quality of life.

Long-term ketamine use can cause damage to the bladder and urinary tract, leading to frequent urination, pain during urination, and incontinence. It can also cause memory and cognitive problems, mood disturbances, and psychosis.

If you or someone you know is experiencing any of these signs or symptoms of ketamine addiction, it is important to seek professional help from a healthcare provider or addiction specialist such as Spark to Recovery, where the best treatment is provided. Early intervention and treatment can increase the chances of a successful recovery.

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Ketamine Addiction Treatment Options

Treatment for ketamine addiction typically involves a combination of behavioral therapies, medication-assisted treatment, support groups, and more.

Holistic Therapies

In addition to traditional therapies, some treatment centers offer holistic therapies such as yoga, meditation, and exercise therapy to help individuals address their addiction from a mind-body-spirit perspective.

Residential Treatment in Los Angeles

‍Residential treatment programs provide a structured environment for individuals to receive 24-hour care and support. These programs often include individual and group therapy, behavioral therapy, and family therapy.


While there are no FDA-approved medications specifically for ketamine addiction, some medications can help manage withdrawal symptoms and cravings. For example, antidepressants like SSRIs may be prescribed to help manage depression or anxiety.

Behavioral Therapies

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Moral Recognition Therapy (MRT), and others. These therapies help individuals identify triggers and develop coping skills to manage cravings and maintain sobriety.

Our experts provide personalized information and support for unique treatment journeys. Every individual’s struggle is recognized, ensuring specialized care and guidance.